A Road Trip Across NC Beer Month

Five cities, twelve breweries. NC Beer Month was a blast.

April is North Carolina Beer Month across the entire state and I needed, nay, searched for an excuse to travel back through my home state and visit some familiar and not-so-familiar places.
Before moving away my, brother and I had spent nearly all of our childhood in this beautiful state but had barely ventured away from our home just outside of Asheville, NC. So I decided to drag him along on a wild road adventure leading us through five cities and nearly twelve breweries and beer venues to get the full NC Beer Month experience.
Jonathan, the brother, was not an avid beer drinker at the beginning of the trip but by the end, he was slogging through darks and heavies and craving hops. Ok, maybe not that drastic of a transformation but he went from drinking watered-down light beers to beers of substance and grandeur. Beers of legend.
For your reading pleasure are the links below. It’s like a choose-your-own-adventure book of eating, drinking, and dining vicariously through us. If the reading part doesn’t interest you, the resources below will let you get to the maps and beers faster.
Cheers and good beers travel buddies!

Part One – Raleigh

We touched down in Raleigh and headed east. This is the first leg of the trip, as far east as we dared to start.
Part TWO – Durham and Charlotte

We continue the drive west, getting a taste for chicken and waffles before stopping in the Queen City for the night. More beers for more miles.
Part THREE – Winston-Salem and Asheville

The last leg of our trip takes us to the beer capital of the Carolinas.