Our Op-ed Policy
We love the opinions of our readers and the community.
An op-ed or guest post is written by a member of the community. These posts are not directly affiliated with Brewhoppin, LLC, nor do they reflect the opinions of Brewhoppin, LLC as a whole or its owners and contributors.
All guest posters, bloggers, and writers who aren’t Brewhoppin contributors are considered for the op-ed section. Brewhoppin accepts guest posts on a variety of topics.
Word counts for op-ed and guest posts are typically 400-1000 words. All submissions must be clear and concise and not contain spam or other questionable content to be accepted.
Typically for Brewhoppin guest posts, we require a “feature story” type of format. We strive for creative and original content. We will not accept stories and articles with a “spammy” feel or appearance. We research and investigate any outgoing links for quality before we accept any submissions. For feature-style stories we give the option of sourcing the author’s images for them or publishing the images the author has sourced prior to submission.
We encourage anyone with an interest to submit a post for us. Remember due to the nature of our website we can refuse a submission for any reason.
For submissions or general questions please visit our submission guidelines here.